Cash Flow Projection in Lexington

Our financial advisors are experts in cash flow projections. Cash flow projection, or cash flow forecasting, is essential in running a business. It means having a realistic expectation of what your business is going to look like 6-12 months down the road.

For more information on what Precision Accounting Services Inc can do for you, contact us now at (859) 533-3153.

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Precision Accounting Services Inc’s Cash Flow Projection Services

Our specialists analyze how much money is coming and staying in your business. We can give you advice on how to limit costs and how to increase profit. In addition, we will also help you make educated decisions for your business’ future growth.

Cash Inflows vs. Cash Outflows

We compare your cash inflows (money in) to your cash outflows (money out). This gives us a good idea of what it’s like to run your business and provides us with details on where financial improvements can be made.

Cash Inflows:

  • Government grants
  • Loan repayment
  • Royalties
  • Tax refunds
  • Investments

Cash Outflows:

  • Bank fees and loans
  • Rent and mortgages
  • Payments to owners
  • New assets
  • Repairs

Getting Started with Our Cash Flow Services

If you need professional assistance with the cash flow projection for your business, some of the ways we can help are:

Invoice Organization

Our advisors can help you organize your invoices to make cash flow projection an easier and faster process. We are specialists in online and cloud accounting software and can help set one up for you to modernize and organize your invoices. Many of these software programs offer ways in which you can personally track your progress.

Payment Strategy

It doesn’t take a cash flow projection specialist to know that it can be hard to manage a business when every invoice and bill payment is due at the same time. We specialize in bill planning and negotiation so that you’ll be ready when the bill comes, and you’ll have some money set aside in case of unexpected expenses too.

Monitoring Cash Flow

Before we can begin our cash flow projection services, we need to understand the current state of your business. The best way is to save all transactions and bill payments and to make a list of your expenses. After sorting this out, we can help piece together an idea of where the business is heading.

Cash Flow Manager

After helping you prepare a financial statement, our experts will analyze your cash flow statement. We will highlight potential problem areas and show you where you can improve. We can also help you make decisions about your business’ future and help you discover its potential.

Our services will help you plan for the future. If you’re overworked, a cash flow projection can help you determine if hiring another staff member is a financially feasible option. If business is booming and it's getting a little tight in your office, a cash flow projection can help you determine if you can afford an expansion. Let our experts help you realize the opportunities available to your business. Call us today.

Contact the Best Cash Flow Projection in Lexington

There are several reasons why our professional cash flow projection services can be beneficial for your business. Contact us today to book an appointment for your cash flow statement analysis. Call (859) 533-3153.